Who is Tyshawn Jones

Posted by Ja'Crispy on January 13th, 2023

Who is Tyshawn Jones

Thank you for clicking here. Tyshawn Jones is a skateboarder who more recently, has been getting more recognition. Which in my opinion is deserved. But who is Tyshawn? The article will cover information from basic's to a little more in depth information.

Basic Info

Tyshawn was born on December 24th, 1998 in New York City. He is a regular footed skater. He started off playing games of skate with his brother and uncle at age 10. And his first ever deck was a Target board. Tyshawn's brother quit skating. But I really want to emphasize this fact. TYSHAWN NEVER GAVE UP. He experienced failure as we all do, but Tyshawn never gave up, he was always persistent in skating and never let the failures discourage him. Tyshawn said that when he was younger, he watched Andrew Reynolds Baker 3 part every day after school.

His career as a pro

Tyshawn learned about sponsorships, so he decided to make some videos around New York. At the time he saw it as a chance to make skate equipment cheaper. And eventually Tyshawn Jones became a flow skater for Toy Machine. But than Tyshawn met Jason Dill, who is the owner of Fucking Awesome (FA skateboards). According to Jason Dill, he was impressed with Tyshawn's skating ability. Eventually this connection between them got Tyshawn to become a pro skater for FA. Than Supreme noticed what Tyshawn was doing with FA, which got him into videos for Supreme as well. But those arent the only sponsors, in 2014, he joined Adidas. Than in 2017, he got his first colorway. He's also made two of his own companies, Hardies which was made with Na-Kel Smith. And in 2022, Tyshawn left FA Skateboards to make his own company, King Skateboards. But those arent his only current sponsors.

Tyshawn Jones Current Sponsors

  • Adidas
  • Supreme
  • Thunder Trucks
  • Spitfire
  • New Era

Tyshawn Jones and Thrasher

Tyshawn Jones got Skater of the Year in 2018. He also got Skater of the Year in 2022. And he was also on the cover of the 2019 January issue. Although many people disagree with Tyshawn winning SOTY this year (2022), I personally think it's not bad. A lot of people think that other skaters got cheated out of their spot in SOTY. And personally, I dont have much of an opinion. I like Tyshawn though and what he does.

Tyshawn Jones Thrasher Cover

Tyshawns success out of skating

Tyshawn Jones isnt just a skater though. He also has other busniesses out of skating. He owns a restruant in the Bronx, called Taste so Good. And according to him, he has many other projects outside of skating, though he wont say any more than that. But he did say "I'm trying to be the richest skater that's ever lived".

Random Facts

Tyshawn says that "You've always gotta think your the worst, so that you can push yourself to be the best.", which in my personal opinion is half true. You shouldnt try to tear yourself down either, although inspiring yourself to be better is important, never be content. Tyshawn also said he loves skating because it's impossible to master, so he's always learning something new. Tyshawn Jones was also in a Kendrick Lamar music video (N95).

Thank you for Reading

Thank you for reading this article. Personally Tyshawn Jones is one of my top 10 . Thank you all for the support, and keep shredding on :)

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