Different Types of Skating

Posted by Ja'Crispy on May 14th, 2022

Skateboarding has many different types of Skating. In this article I will go over the different types and some important information about them.

Street Skating

Street skating is one of the most prefered types of skating in modern skateboarding. But what is street skating? Street skating is a version of skating where your using obstacles that can be found anywhere on the streets. This would be stuff like rails, stairs, ledges, hubbas, tabels, etc. It can be done in the streets, or in a park.

Vert Skating

Vert is also a very popular choice of skating. Vert is a version of skateboarding that involves things like, bowls and ramps. Sometimes also done in empty pools. It was an original version of skating. And its usually done in a park or pool.

Park Skating

Park skating is a mixture of street and vert. Its called park because the skate parks usually have a mixture of both Street things and Vert. So its considered both Vert and Street put together. Its also very popular because it expands the amount of things that are able to be done.


Freestyle skateboarding is a lot less common than the other types listed. Its known as the first type of skateboarding ever. It involves very very technical type of tricks. Some freestyle tricks involve using your hands, going into primo, and sometimes standing on a truck. Its a lot less common in modern skateboarding

Other Types

There is also some other types of skateboarding as well. Like, cruising, downhill skating, big air and more. But I wanted to cover the main three types of skateboarding in this article.

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