Trucks: Tight or Loose

Posted by Ja'Crispy on June 7th, 2022

Skateboarders trucks can range from anywhere from extremely tight to extremely loose. Although most skaters skate trucks that are somewhere in the middle of tight and loose. But of course some skaters lean more towards tight or loose trucks. Well heres what you need to know about truck tightness.

Tight Trucks

Tighter trucks are harder to turn, you have to lean harder. this is mostly good for vert. Its also good for high drops too. If your going high speed, than tighter trucks have a smaller chance of getting speed wobble. It can also make some landings harder to stick. Because sometimes if the landing isnt perfect, you can lean into it a little more and just turn out of it to keep the landing. But tight trucks dont allow for as much turning. But for flip tricks it can be a little bit better because sometimes you lean during tricks and loose can cause you to fall from loss of balance..

Pros of tight trucks:

  • Better impact from height
  • Better with high speed
  • Better flip tricks

Cons of tight trucks:

  • Harder to stick regular landings
  • Worse flow during lines
  • Harder to blance on manuals and grinds

Loose Trucks

Looser trucks make turns easier to preform. This can be good for street skating. It makes landings easier as well. Because unless you land 100% perfectly, youll probably put a little pressure on a side. And with looser trucks thatll allow you to turn away and stick landings. But it does sometimes cause wheel bite, and speed wobble at high speeds. It makes locking into grinds a bit better as well. It can also make for some better balance on manuals and grinds too. Although, sometimes it can be easier to get hurt with loose trucks.

Pros of loose trucks:

  • Better roll out of tricks
  • Better flow during lines
  • Easier to lock into and balance for grinds
  • Easier to balance in manuals

Cons of loose trucks:

  • Harder to learn to ride on
  • Speed Wobble can happen easier
  • Wheel bite more often
  • Sometimes more injuries

Things to remember

Dont let one skater tell you what to like. Take their suggestions but also try your own things. See what you like through trying it. Everyone in skateboarding is different. So one truck tightness might work amazing for one skater but for another, it wouldnt be great at all. Just work on trying the trucks how you like them and figure it out from there.

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