Finding Street Spots

Posted by Ja'Crispy on August 19th, 2022

As a street skater myself, I prefer street spots over a park when I can get to them. But sometimes its hard to find some street spots. Sometimes you'll have to really know what to look for. Or sometimes the spot will need a slight fix, weather that fix is a brick rub and wax, or a piece of ply wood to get run up. But sometimes theres also organic street spots that are just perfect. A lot of things can be a spot if you look at it right.

What to look for

Depending on what type of spot you want, you'll need to look for different things. If you want stairs, than you might want to try to find a stair set that isnt too long. Some stair sets are made longer so we cant skate them, it's still possible to skate those spots though. You will just need more run up and speed. But usually more dense, shorter stairs are better. If your looking for handrails, make sure they arent skate stopped. Than check if its sturdy. Than check if you have enough run up for speed and stuff. Than hit it. If you want a ledge, look for something around the height you can pop to. Than check for skate stops. Than wax it if needed and skate it.

How to make a spot better

Some spots, like curbs or ledges, might need to be rubbed down with a rub brick. A rub brick is like a giant piece of sand paper with a handle. Its used to smooth out rougher concrete. So some spots might need a rub brick with some wax after. I dont suggest using a rub brick on a painted curb, because that could make some peopel angry. Some spots might need a slice of ply wood to give you run up, this isnt always a great idea and can make a spot feel sketchy to skate too. Theres also other small things you can do to make a spot more enjoyable, easy and fun to skate. You just gotta skate it, and figure out what you want to make better.

Final Thoughts

Just skate around, you'll find spots over time. I also look all the time while in the car. They're usually everywhere, you just have to try to look and be creative. Keep skating, and have a beautiful day.

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