Skateboarding Life Hacks

Posted by Ja'Crispy on June 21st, 2022

Skateboardings been around for a while now. And with time, comes shortcuts and life hacks. In this article, I will be covering a few different skateboarding related life hacks that im aware of. Theres of course a lot of them though, and I will not be covering them all.

Microwaving Shoes

When skaters get new shoes, sometimes they throw them in the microwave for around a minute and a half. This is done to heat up the materials. After microwaving the shoe, you put it on and walk around for a while. Itll break the shoe in faster. But make sure that theres absolutely no metal parts. Also be sure to watch it while it is in the microwave to make sure nothings going wrong.

Make sure theres no metal within the shoe or on it

Burning Shoe Laces

Laces rip super often in skateboarding. But you can make them last longer by simpily taking a lighter, putting the flame next to the lace, than letting it sit for a few seconds. This is best to do where the shoe lace goes into the shoe, as thats where the most rubbing is done. But it is said by many skaters to help their laces last.

Waxing Board Tail

Waxing the skateboards tail can help with faster, and even higher pop. Because the tail doesnt have as much friction when it rubs across the ground. That will give it faster pop. The fact that theres less friction also allows for the board to go up higher because of the faster pop. This is common with skaters that ive met, but not every skater does this.

Grinding down tail

Sometimes skaters get something called razor tail. It is pretty much when the boards tail rubs so much against the ground that it gets a sharpish point to it. It can actually be dangerous because if you get credit carded (where the board goes between the bawls and crack or anywhere in between) than it could cut you. Or if it hits you in the ankle itll hurt a lot worse. But if you grab your board by the nose and rub the tail back and fourth across the ground, than itll wear the razor tail down some, making it less sharp. This can also help with pop too.

Final Thoughts

Those are only some of the things I personally do to improve faster. There might be more and some things will work differently for you. But you can implement some of my ideas to get more improvement. You also should try to find things that work for you as well. All skateboarders have different things that work for them and different things that they do. Theres no real "Set Way" to anything in skateboarding. Just have fun.

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