Whats in a skate bag

Posted by Ja'Crispy on May 17th, 2022

In skateboarding, you might need certain things sometimes. Sometimes mid skate sesh, youll need things, it happens often. Although you dont always need to bring a skate bag, and some people never bring a skate bag almost ever. But personally, I always take one. Its very useful in a lot of situations. But what should you keep in the bag? Lets talk about it.


Probably one thing every skater will use at some point, is a T-Tool. Its used a lot for setting up a deck but also tweaking the truck looseness as well as screws. Sometimes if something goes wrong, you might need to be able to fix your board in a quick second. With a T-Tool in your bag, youll always be prepared for the worst. Although it isnt always something youll need, its still a good thing to have.

Skate Wax

Skate wax is a super nice thing to have on you. Its not too big or heavy either. But it does make some skate seshes nicer when you can make a ledge slick or even waxing the tail of your board for smoother pop and sometimes higher pop. Its a useful thing, but it isnt always needed. Some skaters dont use it ever. But as a street skater, I find myself using it more than not.

Portable Battery + Charger

Out skating and your phone dies? How annoying right? Well if you keep a portable battery and a charger on you 24/7, you wont have to worry about a dead phone. You could even bring a wall plugin too so if your out and have a outlet, you can charge up there too. Its something I never thought I would use until I had it with me. Than I started using it all the time.

Spare Earbuds

Spare earbuds arent always a must have item, but they do make it a little better when the main earbuds die. You can have a wired pair if your phone still has a headphone jack. If not, you could even just buy a cheap pair of bluetooth earbuds. This isnt needed all the time. If you really wanted to, you could use the portable battery to charge the earbuds instead, but sometimes that wait is annoying.

Med Kit

While you might not need an entire medical kit, bandaids and some cleaning things are nice to have in case of an injury. Ive been skating multiple times and gotten hurt to the point I need to do something about it. And I made the mistake of not having some sort of medical supplies on me. But now, I have a small medical kit in my bag all the time. It doesnt need to be a lot either, but it can be extremely nice.

Spare Parts

While yes, this isnt a need by any means. Its still pretty nice to have just in case of an issue. Ive had nuts fall off before and they arent exactly easy to find. Theres spare part kits you can buy as well. I will link one belown that I prefer. Its a nice thing to have just in case.

click to buy the spare part kit


Long skate sesh? Thirsty? Just grab the water from your bag. Another great reason to carry a bag all the time when skating. You will have water on you and you can even have multiple bottles of water depending on how long the skate sesh is as well as the temp. Its an important thing to keep on you in my opinion.

Other Things

Theres still more things that you can carry. Where im at it gets cold sometimes, so I have gloves. You can really take anything you think you could need. Or its also nice to not have to carry a drink. For example if you go to a gas station for a quick drink run. You wont have to carry your drink back to where your going. Theres a lot of times where a bag would help out a lot. And you could find your own times as well.

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