Skateboard Deck Sizes

Posted by Ja'Crispy on November 19th, 2022

Skateboarding can be very hard to start. A lot of people struggle with trying to figure out what size deck to buy. Theres all sorts of different sizes, with different reasons to skate each size. There isnt always set information either. One place says one thing, and another could say another thing. So this is my guide to finding the right size for you. Keep in mind, everyone is different. Although this is just some general information to help you pick the size you want.

Deck Size Chart

7.75 to 8

7.75 is a very small deck. It usually will flip faster, so its easier to get the board to rotate. It also means that it will be harder to land on than a bigger board. I personally wouldnt recommend very many people to this size, mainly because for me, and a lot of other people, its overly small. An 8.0 isnt very much different although it is a bit bigger. So it will still flip fast but itll be easier to catch by a little. So I think that if you want a smaller board, you should go for an 8.0, It's also a decently common deck size too.


8.25 is the most common board size out there in my opinon. A good amount of people will be skating this size deck. It's in the middle of easy to catch with fast rotation speed. You wont have a super hard time trying to find a deck of this size either. 7.75's are a little bit harder to find, but an 8.25 is so common that it's found all the time, in shops, online and being skated.

8.5 to 8.75

I personally skate an 8.5, It's the one size I found that really works for me. It wont flip as fast as some of the other sizes, but for me, it wasnt ever a problem. It does feel a little bit heavier than the smaller sizes. The slight weight difference isnt something that will make a giant difference. So while it will flip a little slower, it will be way easier to catch. For me, that was an important part in landing my first tricks, like the kickflip. 8.75 on the other hand, that's even bigger yet, and it's even harder to find. If you want a 8.75, you'll more than likely have to order it online. It's a lot harder to find because its pretty uncommon to see. It will rotate a even slower yet, but have so much room to catch.

Final Thoughts

Of course, you shouldnt choose a skateboarding deck only based off the things Ive said. But I think it's something to consider. You could also always do your own research. But I personally would recommend a 8.25 or an 8.5, although you can always get whatever you want to experiment. Just keep in mind, if you change deck sizes, you'll need to buy the right truck size too. I'd like to say, I added an email newsletter to the website as well, id appriciate if you guys signed up. Thank you for reading, and keep shredding.

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