Skate Shoe Life Hacks

Posted by Ja'Crispy on October 27th, 2022

Skateboarding can constantly require new things. One of those things being shoes. You'll constantly need to get new shoes because it'll rip apart and laces will rip etc. But there is some things that you can do to make your shoes last a little bit longer than normal. Of course no skate shoe is skateable forever, but with these life hacks. You can maybe get a couple extra weeks out of the shoes.

Burn the laces

One thing that can keep your laces from shredding as fast, is lightly burning the laces. You dont want to burn them too much, but if you burn them a lightly with a lighter, it can harden the lace. Another thing you could try, is using shoe goo on the laces. Dont use too much but put some on the laces and let it harden.

Shoe goo / duct tape

Shoe goo is something that is used by a lot of skaters. Once you notice a hole start to form in the shoe, you just put a little shoe goo on top of that area, let it sit for 24 hours to dry, and than you can go back to skating them. You dont need globs of the goo, but make sure you have enough to layer the area. You could also do multiple layers, so let it dry, than do another coat. You could do that 3 to 4 times. Another alternative is using duct tape to cover a hole. The tape will last a few sessions before having to put more on, and it can also reduce some of the friction while doing tricks, but it'll still work.

Microwave Shoes

Skaters sometimes microwave their shoes. It can break the shoes in a lot faster. Once they get new shoes, they just pop them into the microwave. You need to make sure there is absolutely zero metal on them. Than all you have to do is microwave your shoes for roughly. Than you just gotta walk around in them for a little bit. It will break them in easier, although I dont personally do this, some people do.

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