How to Progress

Posted by Ja'Crispy on February 13th, 2023

How to Progress in Skateboarding

There are certain "Steps" that can be taken to progress faster. Although many people don't know the things that can be done to progress at a faster rate. But this article will give you more information that you'll need to know in order to conquer your skate dreams. So far, within the last two weeks, I've been applying these things I found to work. And I've improved greatly.

1. Mindset

Having the right mindset is very important for true progression. You can't let failure frustrate you too much. If you let that negative failure driven mindset control you, than it'll be harder to progress. Instead, you should try to have a optimistic mindset. Instead of, "I cant believe I didnt land that", say "I will land it next time". The difference between those two examples, is one is destructive to yourself. And the other will build you up for the next time. Not to mention there are studies out there that show positive mind can bring positive things!

2. Push yourself

This one can be tricky for two reasons. For one, it's overall pretty scary to push yourself. But also because you need to know what is too much. You should be pushing your limits but not to the extremely dangerous point. Like I recently started doing kickflips and backside flips off of bigger drops. I know I can land both those tricks, so now I'm pushing myself by adding a little height. So every day, push yourself just a tad more. Eventually those things you did to push yourself, will become a walk in the park. That fear you built up around that trick or stair or gap will seem like nothing, and you'll be on the next, bigger thing.

3. Keep the Drive

I personally want to be successful in skateboarding in some way. Weather it's through this website, my company im starting, or through skating. I will make it. That's my drive, which makes me work harder. If you can find a drive for yourself, a reason to keep going and a reason to push yourself. Than you can do much better. So find a reason to succeed in skating. Make that your focus. But you have to really want it.

4. The effect of Friends

Skating with friends can help a lot. Especially if those friends are around your skill level, also pushing to do what your doing. One of my homies is doing the same things as me for the first time, and when he does good, I do good. It's almost as if it inspires me to land that same trick. And it ultimately can help give you the extra drive needed to just commit to that trick. Not to mention that friend could help figure out why you arent landing it. Or even film for you. So skating with a friend can really make that difference between progression and not progressing.

5. Consume Content

The final way I will talk about in this article, is consuming skate content. The more skater's you watch online, the better you'll do. That sounds weird right? Well seeing others skate well and seeing all that skate stuff, can easily help you improve. You may not realize it, but the more you watch, the more chance you have to progress in skateboarding. So just start consuming skate content more if you barely do. Not to mention, who doesnt love skate content.

Thank You For Reading

Thank you very much for making it to the end of this article. There is still more thing's that you can do to improve for yourself. But these are ones that I find really work for me. You can do this. Have a beautiful day and skate on :)

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