Skatings Mental Half

Posted by Ja'Crispy on June 8th, 2022

One thing that I think some skaters dont think about, is how much skating is mental. Personally I feel like skateboarding is a lot of mental "power". It can help if you have a good mental strategy while skating. Believe it or not, it can actually help you with landing tricks. If you can learn some things about mentality and how it relates to skating, It can be a massive help. So im gonna cover that in this article.

Going into a sesh

Say your about to skate. You can take some mental steps to improve your skate sesh. Go into it positive. Go into it thinking things like: "This is gonna be a great session", or "Im gonna skate well today". It might sound like some magic VooDoo type thing. But just staying positive about it can actually really really help you. Go into it confident as well. Think of yourself as a good skater, look at how far youve come. Or if your just starting, think about how your actually trying and take pride in that. Take pride in skating, which is very similar to confidence. Another thing to do, is hype yourself up. It will make you want to skate way more, which will help you with landing tricks and even skating overall a little better.

During the sesh

Something youll need to do, is keep the good mental state going during the skate sesh. You need to stay hyped while skating. You need to keep that confidence as well as stay positive. I get it, you might mess up a trick and want to slam your board into five thousand little slivers. Or even you start to get frustrated. But you cant let that happen. You gotta stay positive while skating, instead of getting mad when you fail. You should remember why you even started skating in the first place. Or you might need to close your eyes, take a deep breath, and keep going. One thing I like to remember. Some days we skate great, other days we dont skate so great.

After the sesh

There isnt a lot to do after the sesh. Just look back at what youve done today or even this week, month, year. And remember, if you skate hard, your body needs to recover. So lay down, watch some tv, play some games, relax at least a little. It will help you recover for the next time you go out to skate.

Final Thoughts

This is just what ive learned within skating. It might not help you, but I found that in most people, it does help. You dont have to try it, but I suggest you guys do. Maybe try it for a week, or a month. See if it helps you in any way. If not, than you can stop doing it. If it does, than im glad ive been able to help you. Have a beautiful day, and go dominate on that skateboard. :)

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