The Downfall of Illegal Civ

Posted by Ja'Crispy on January 4th, 2023

The Downfall of Illegal Civ

Illegal Civ is a Skateboarding company. They are the people responsible for Godspeed, Mid 90's and North Hollywood. They've had some good skaters on they're team, although most left. Mikey Alfred, the owner of Illegal Civ, has recently done some things that do not settle well with the skate community. A lot of people have began to dislike Illegal Civ as a whole. Throughout this article I will periodically refer to Illegal Civ as "IC"

Mikey's 700k

Mikey Alfred went out with Logan Kirshak, a 16 year old skater. They shot footage for 7 days. They filmed every day for those 7 days. The screenshot of the text below is a conversation between Logan and Mikey. Mikey said he "Charges 100k to pickup the camera for a day." which is a rather crappy thing to say. He proceeding by saying "I can connect you with my agents for a payment plan." But heres where it gets rude. Mikey says "Im sure 700k is a lot for you, have a nice sunday Logan.". In my opinion, that is an extremely rude way to put it. And of course, the 16 year old doesnt have 700k.

Mikey Alfred 700k text

Interview with Rob Mattox

Jenkem Skate Mag had released interview's with some of the team on IC, as well as Mikey. I will go through the important parts and depict it. They asked Rob Mattox "who was the first to post their clips on IG?" And Rob replied with "Lando had posted an edit of all his iphone angles, and Mikey started making fun of him. Rob said "What company does that?". But after that Rob said, "Logan texted Mikey that he's leaving and asked for his clips." It is than that Mikey said it would cost 700k for the clips. Rob also said in person, Mikey was a chill dude, but online he was different. The things he put out were too crazy so Logan left, than others started leaving as well.

Rob also said he didnt agree with the company actions and overall look they were building. Jenkem asked Rob Mattox if the behavior was normal for Mikey. Rob said in person, no. He said that Mikey is a really chill person. He also stated that he couldnt imagine him freaking out like he does on social media. According to Rob, IC also made a post saying Logan was racist. Rob's reaction to that is "Like what?"

Interview with Dalton Palacio

Dalton is the filmer of IC. Jenkem asked what set Logan off to want his footage back. Dalton said he was just done filming for it. Than Logan asked for his clips, "He's 16, he doesnt know. He just asked a question" Than Mikey did the 700k thing. Dalton said "I have nothing to do with it. I know my name is in the screenshot, and I even asked him, Bruh why would you include my name in that" Dalton also stated he didnt know about the 700k thing until Logan sent him the screenshots.

Although Dalton said he signed a contract that said everything he filmed goes right to Illegal Civ. The contract said that Dalton gets paid a certain amount but the footage all goes to IC. So Dalton signed it. Jenkem said "So he's fully icing you guys now?" Dalton said "Ever since Logan made the post dissing him for charging that much, he said no one is gonna use the footage." Dalton also said "It's fucked up because Logan and I have worked hard on it.". The next question asked was, "What was it like last time you spoke to Mikey". Dalton responded by saying "It was more like a move on thing. Mikey said just move on, you did enough already. Which doesnt really make sense to me, because all I did was film."

Interview with Kevin White

They started by getting Kevin's thoughts on the situation. I will go over the important parts Kevin said. Kevin said "For Mikey to think that arguing on the internet and all this shit is cool, like, thats not me.". He also talked about how Mikey didnt even check up on him after his knee surgery. But Kevin also talked about him being apart of the team. He said "From a business standpoint, I can't watch someone who I work with, play the race card towards a Mexican and Jewish kid and say he's a Nazi.".

Kevin White said that he didnt want to step away, but it isnt about the money for him, "It's about the feeling of being on a company that I want to be able to stand next to and with the people that I equally respect and look up to." Kevin stated.

But this wasnt the only issue either. Kevin also said that it needs to be work in unity, not just Mikey asking for the skaters to promote. Kevin said "He's saying our board is selling like dogshit and hes telling that to fans behind our backs. Fans are sending us screenshots of that. Like bro, I don't need that." Jenkem asked if Mikey changed, Kevin replied with "I think some stuff has changed, you see him fighting with Na-Kel, going back and forth with people telling everyone this 16 year old is a racist and a Nazi." In my opinion, that is partly why it's all going badly. Because of how Mikey is acting online. But Kevin also said everyone has distanced from him. They asked Kevin if he thought the 700k thing was serious. Kevin replied with "It's wild because I feel like Mikey stated that more as a Fuck You. He said that number to exemplify that your not going to get the footage. Like you're not pulling out of my project we agreed to work on."

Interview with Mikey Alfred

I dont feel that I should cover his side of the interview. He spun it around a lot and people didnt like that. Mikey said that Logan's clips werent even that sick. He said that he has zero sympathy for the kids. He practically kept his ego high during the interview as well. He also was asked about if the Nazi post was serious, and he blew the question off.

Public Opinion on Mikey's Interview

The people did not like Mikey's interview. In the comments of the post, people voiced they're opinions. A lot of people are talking about how Mikey is spinning it around, which I honestly agree with. People are talking about how Mikey avoided the Nazi question. People are also mad because Mikey said that Logan's clips arent even that sick, even though he cant do half of what Logan can. people were also mad because in the YouTube video, Mikey was smoking weed with the young miners. Mikey said that to him it isnt a big deal because it's how he grew up. But everyone disagrees with that, myself included.

What else

Illegal Civ has still been active online. Throughout the comments, there has been a lot of backlash. People talk about how IC used to be good, and now it's ruined. Mikey responds to some comments with arguing and fighting with people. Calling people cry babies, and more. He is digging himself a deeper grave. And most people have decided to quit supporting the company after this. Personally, I drew my line when Mikey was making fun of skaters.

Mikey's View

Mikey seems to think that the whole situation is a joke. In an interview with Bardley Martyn, the whole situation got brought up. Bradley said "you're like 700k? Because that's the amount of time you filmed him right?" And Mikey responds by saying, "No Im just being a dick" and laughs. Than Mikey said, "We dont wanna speak on it.". And than Mikey went on to diss on Logan a little more. I also would like to bring some light to the fact that Mikey made fun of one of the skaters on his team, Lando Magik. Mikey made a post on the Illegal Civ instagram story, saying "Also please ignore the cc and mispelling of Hell Week on Lando's story. He is not a gang member (I dont think so at least) and he's just insecure to promote the video cause he thinks people will hate on him being being associated with IC. He's a good kid and dresses cool!" And in another story post, Mikey Alfred said that broken glass in one of his clips is lame and his music sucked. So not even his team riders are safe from his trash talking, terrible way to treat your own team. But it isnt just his team members that get made fun of. He's been making fun of countless people in comment sections. He even said "You probably cant even skate" to a commenter, when he himself cant skate.

Mikey Alfred making fun of Lando Magik

Final Thoughts

IC had a great run when it was in it's prime. Although Mikey has tarnished the entire company. Most of the skaters that are good, left. Now a lot of people hate the company and him. Most people see him as having an inflated ego. And a lot of people find the fact that he cant even skate funny. Of course you can look into it a little more. But I have covered most of the base information. Have a beautiful day and skate on!

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