How to Backside Flip

Posted by Ja'Crispy on January 19th, 2023

Test How to Backside Flip

backside flips are actually a fairly simple trick once you understand the basics of it. It becomes a basic and simple trick. And it isnt even extremely hard after you start getting near landing it. It didnt take me very long personally, and now that I know the trick well. I can give tips on what works best for me and what doesnt as well as share tips no one else does.

Foot Placement

Backside Flip Foot Placement Image

Above is a photo of the foot placement. Some people have slighly different foot placement on tricks, but this is what worked for me and a few of my other skate friends. I hang my back foot over the front of the nose, which will make it easier to scoop the board around for the 180. Then I put my front foot at an angle showed above, and I usually put it just under the right bolts (I skate goofy). If you skate regular you'd just put your front foot just below the left bolt. But regardless, having that front foot angled will give you easier flick. And I put it up fairly high in order to flick faster and not drag the board away from me when flicking. Of course you can experement with the foot placement once you start landing it, like putting the front foot further back.

What's Next?

Now you have the foot placement down, you have to actually do the trick. You want to open your shoulders, since were turning backside, you want to open your shoulders to the nose. This means that your chest should more so be facing the nose of the deck, that will give you good wind up to get the full 180. Than you want to turn your body to do the bs 180 part of the trick. So you twist your shoulders to do a 180 and scoop back on the tail while rotating to get the deck to do a 180 with you. Once your deck hits around the 45-90 degree angle, you flick. If you flick too soon than it wont rotate, and if you flick too late it wont spin enough. So once it hits the right angle, you flick. Than just simply float above it. Make sure you hover in the air, feet high up, knees up. Do not force the landing, let the landing happen. Than you land on the board again, going fakie. Then you ride off into the sunset, landing your first bs flip. Just remember, keep your weight centered in the board. Do not lean forward or backward, because you will slip out and not land it. Just keep that weight in the middle.

Common Issues

There isnt a ton of common issues I notice, although there is one big one. People try to force their landing. So they drop their feet to the ground quickly. You need to just float as long as you can. So keep your feet up, knees up and let yourself do the trick. Rushing the landing will never get the trick. Usually it makes people only rotate halfway or just not land the flip. So just let your body float in the air. Another issue is that people throw off their balance. You just have to keep your balance even in the middle, dont lean back or forward. Otherwise you'll slip out and you wont land your first backside flip.

Final Thoughts

These are the things I did to start landing backside flips consistently. Of course some things may be different for you. So I think it's best to try the things I go over, and if it works, but not super well than try to come up with your own way. Try changing foot placement, flick point, etc. Good luck and feel free to reach out to me with any questions! Have a beautiful day :)

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