Skate History: Jaws vs Lyon 25

Posted by Ja'Crispy on October 9th, 2022

Jaws Vs Lyon 25

Every hobby has that one person that just does insane stuff. Well skateboarding as multiple of those types of people. One of them being Aaron "Jaws" Homoki. He does insane gaps, drops and stuff of that sort. To understand the Lyon 25 stair gap, you need to understand what and how tall Lyon 25 is.

What is Lyon 25

Lyon 25 is a stair set in Lyon. It has 25 stair steps, and its absolutely massive. It's 14 feet and 9 inches, which is a massive drop. Not to mention its 22 feet long. Although the height of the stair is enough to take damage on landing. But that's a massive distance that you'd have to go just to clear it. Not to mention the landing, you'd have to land perfectly. There's also a higher chance of the board snapping because of the height and speed you'd have to go at. Not very many people have done this gap before.

Jaws Tries

Jaws decided to try out the Monster Stairset. On one of the tries, his board snapped in half, and he tore his ACL. You can see it in the video of him landing it. The injury had him out of skating for six months. But once he was better, he went back to the stair set. And than he tried it again. One of Thrashers Magazine Editors talked to Aaron and set up a photo shoot with videos. On his second try, he wore volleyball protective foam all over his body to absorb some of the impact if it went wrong. He said, "I wore some protection on the first attempt to, but not to this extent". He also ajusted some things on his board. He used softer wheels to grip the concrete a little harder and take some impact. He fell a few more times, and than the people threatened to call the cops. They also put metal barriers at the end of the stair, which cut that day of attempts short.

What Followed

They ended up being able to talk to some people and get some things to happen. They ended up getting permission to try again two days later. On that next day of trying, Jaws was struggling hard. He couldnt quite land it. At one point the landing impact tore one of his wheels straight off the board. But Aaron replaced the wheels and added some spacers as well. His next attempt was extremely close. Everyone hyped him up even more. Than, he finally landed it, rolling away clean.

Events After

After landing it, Tony Hawk, texted Jaws. Tony said "Congrats, that is one of the greatest feats in skateboarding history". Jaws skated for Birdhouse which is Tony Hawks company. Aaron said that it took a few days for the actual acomplishment to really settle with him, he didnt realize how big it really was until the next few days. People asked if he ever wanted to go back again, to which Jaws says, "Oh Hell No".

Final Thoughts

That concludes the Lyon 25 stair that Jaws conqured. The fact that anyone has been able to e ven manage this is absolutely insane. The drop mixed with length is just a massive monster as a whole. It was enough to literally slice the wheel off the truck. To this day, other people have tried things down it, BMX riders, Scooters, even a couple skaters. But very very few have landed it. And Jaws will be known as the first skater to ever land anything down it.

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