Faster Progression

Posted by Ja'Crispy on April 29th, 2022

This article is made to explain the things I find the most important to progress faster in skateboarding. Theres multiple things you can do and some might work for others but not you. The things I will be going over, are the things that helped me get better over a shorter period of time. In my first 2 years of skating, I couldnt do a Kickflip, Boardslide, and I could barely Ollie. But after some changes, I learned that and more in less than a month.

Getting over fear

This is one of the harder things to do. Fear is something that almost all Skaters have, but if you can learn to get over your fears than it makes skating so much easier. The best way I find is to just do whatever your trying. The more you think, the more fear or worries you will develop. Fear will cause you to slip up and actually get hurt. Theres a few things to do to get over the fear. One of the things you can try, is taking some deep breathes, while clearing the mind. If you have earbuds in, or music playing, than maybe switch to a song that will pump you up or a song you enjoy. 9 out of 10 times, even if you do get hurt, it wont be that bad. It might hurt for a few minutes but most times, the injuries clear up really quickly.

Skate with Friends

Skating with other people makes skateboarding so much more fun. If you can get some Skater friends, who enjoy it as much as you, who also cheer you on for doing tricks. Itll make you progress faster. The feeling of acomplishment when your friends actually pump you up is something that could keep you skating and progressing way faster. But not to mention, you guys can both feed off that positive energy as well, which is good for both of you.

Skate often

This is a no brainer right? How can I become a better skater without skating? But this is an important thing that we often can neglect, sometimes we go weeks without skating. And if you want to progress fast, sometimes it can take 3+ hour long skate seshes. I personally have been skating every day for about a month, and ive learned several new tricks way faster than ever. The more you skate and try tricks, the more you will improve. As long as you keep skating, keep pushing yourself and keep going, you will improve.

Final Thoughts

Those are only some of the things I personally do to improve faster. There might be more and some things will work differently for you. But you can implement some of my ideas to get more improvement. You also should try to find things that work for you as well. All skateboarders have different things that work for them and different things that they do. Theres no real "Set Way" to anything in skateboarding. Just have fun.

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