Enjoi Skateboards closes

Posted by Ja'Crispy on February 18th, 2023

Enjoi Skateboards closes

Enjoi Skateboards has been around since the year 2000. But in recent times, they're going through massive financial issues. And it's very apperent that Enjoi Skateboards will no longer be running. And not to mention the fact that they have massive discounts on almost all of they're products. This is the end of Enjoi Skateboards.

$200,000 owed

Enjoi Skateboards owes over $200,000 in unpaid invoices. Although, it is more than likely more than that according to the owner. And it's even caused the Brand Manager, Louie Barletta, has also annouced that he will be leaving Enjoi. Louie was very important for Enjoi, and with him leaving, it's just another sign of the end.

Louie's Instagram Post

Louie Barletta made an Instagram post annoucing that he was leaving Enjoi. The post is a picture of a snapped Enjoi deck in the shape of a heart. The caption starts off by saying "Goodbye Enjoi...". Louie mostly talks about how he's never going to forget what they did as a group. And than he talks about how much he loved Enjoi, and finally ends the caption by saying he hopes that they can all get back together and work on something again in the future.

Click here to go to the Instagram post

Entire Team Leaves

Enjoi also lost their whole team. Mostly because of the Dwindle Distribution situation which I will be covering very soon. But the whole team called it quits as well. Which is also never a good thing. Another team that had most of their riders leave was Illegal Civ, but that's another situation in itself.

Final Thoughts

It's very sad to see it go. But Enjoi is closing for sure. There isnt really any way to stop it. They've been around for a long time, and they have been very important to skating as a whole. But unfortunatly, their time is up. Thank you for reading and have a beautiful day :)

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