Dwindle Distribution Bought Out

Posted by Ja'Crispy on February 19th, 2023

Dwindle Distribution bought out

An investment company named Transom Capital Group bought Dwindle Distribution. And so far, they've already made a lot of skater's angry. A lot of people say that they will no longer be buying Dwindle Distribution decks. And even some smaller skate shops, AKA not Zumiez. Said that they would no longer be restocking on Dwindle products. But what brands would that affect? The image below shows the brands under dwindle distribution. A lot of the anger starts with Madness Skateboards and what they did to that brand.

Dwindle Distribution Brands

Madness Skateboards

Bill Weiss, the brand manager of Madness was fired by phone after 20 years of working there. People are mad because without Bill, Madness would've been nothing. But after Bill was fired, the entire team left Madness. Jeff Rasp said that there is no madness without Bill. And the other guys pretty much said that he stuck with them through everything and they are doing the same for him. Skater's are also saying that they will no longer be buying Madness decks anymore to support what's going on.

What's to come

I'd like to make a prediction for what will happen out of this whole situation. I think that Dwindle Distribution will struggle in the long run. I think that the brands under dwindle will have a very hard time finding skater's to sponsor, if they even try to. And most of all, I think that a fair amount of skater's will stop buying products from the brands within Dwindle. A lot of skater's already see it as corporate and big industry taking over skateboarding, which goes against what skater's believe in skater's believe in. And I also think that these brands under Dwindle Distribtion will be seen less and less. I think that a fair amount of skate shops wont restock on these products and that'll also affect Dwindle badly. My overall prediciton, is that Dwindle, will dwindle and close down. Or, there will be another path of future events. We could maybe even see these fallen brands inside walmart and targets. Darkstar decks can already be found there, next thing we know, we could be seeing the rest there with them. Very sad to see. And of course, this is just my personal thoughts, I could be wrong.

What people are saying

One person said that "any time a private equity company takes over, they they ALWAYS destroy it. They try to cut costs and use a skate brand as another thing to add to their little porfolios". Which seems to be true. Another person said that they will not support any big corporation owned skate brand. Because it completely avoids the values of skating and they often try to cut corners. So overall, it looks like dwindle will lose a lot of customers and probably fail. Which is sad to see, because some of these brands are old and have been around in skating for a long time. But everything must come to an end right?

Final Thoughts

It's very sad to see go. But of course, big corporation has to ruin things. Trying to dig their greedy hands in and get more, thus, ruining skate brands in the process. Although new brands will always emerge, like my brand, Seeker Skateboards. But it is never fun to see the OG brands go down, especially like this. Thank you for reading and have a beautiful day :)

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