Dropping in

Posted by Ja'Crispy on June 22nd, 2022

Dropping in. Its a pretty nice thing to know, but it can be a massive battle. It's super scary but it really isnt hard. Once you land it the first time, you pretty much can do it again and again. You just gotta know what to do and how to do it.

What to do

So how do you do it? Well all you gotta do, is stand up there, however big it is. And slam your front foot down, I usually cover the center of my bolts, but thats personal preference. Than you lean just slightly forward and ride it out. Its honestly super simple, just mentally hard to get down for the first time. Just remember to keep your back foot down, and slam really hard on the front of the board, than ride it out. Slightly bend the knees as well, dont want stiff knees while dropping in.

The mental half

This part is actually way harder than dropping in itself. Because it looks and feels super scary. Even small things can suddenly feel extra high up. But you cant let that stop you. You need to force your body to do it. Remind yourself of the steps in your head repeatedly if that will help you. If you need to, count to three and than just send it. Maybe get a clip so if you somehow end up slamming, you at least have a clip for it. Clips can also help with confidence. Do whatever you can do stay mentally positive. Dont tell yourself that youll get hurt. Than youll never drop in. You need to own your mind, positive thoughts only. Than just send it, you got it for sure!

Closing Thoughts

Thats really all there is to it. Do the easy physical steps and keep a clear, positive mental state. It can really really feel scary. But you can do it. Stay Positive, have a beautiful day.

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