How to commit

Posted by Ja'Crispy on August 11th, 2022

Every skater will struggle with commitment at some point. Sometimes it can really mess with our skate seshes. But there is indeed a way to make it so you can commit better. Sometimes even fully send it. But it might take time, and some days you might not even land the trick at all. Its all apart of skateboarding and what makes landing that trick so rewarding.

First thing I try

Now im no skateboarding pro. But I have learned ways that help me personally overcome my commitment issues with tricks. So they could work for you too. The first thing I usually do is take a few deep breathes and clear my mind. Than I do the trick with my mind cleared except for the steps of the trick repeating in my head. If im making a mistake, ill constantly remind myself of that mistake and how to fix it. That doesnt always work though.

Second thing I try

If the cleared mind doesnt work. I just fully force myself to do it. That sounds weird but just forcing my body to do the trick and ignoring my mind is sometimes all it takes to land it. This is similar to the first step except your just fully doing that trick, no calming, no thinking. Just doing. Granted this does not always work and sometimes if it doesnt work at all than it can be frustrating.

Skate with someone

If you have any friends to skate with, than have them come with you. That could definitly give you the motivation to just stick the trick. Sometimes being around people who hype you up and support you can help a ton. Not to mention sometimes we cant always tell what were doing wrong. So if you skate with someone, they can see and tell you what your doing wrong and maybe even how to fix it.

Just Remember This

Just remember, you cant let not commiting bother you. It happens to everyone and you might not even get that trick that day. But that trick will be there for the next time you skate. Just remember while your doing the trick, try not to get frustrated. Frustration will lead to mistakes and make things worse. These were a few things that work for me sometimes. They might not work for you, but its al

Thank you for reading

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