What to do when you cant skate

Posted by Ja'Crispy on June 7th, 2022

Sometimes we cant skate. Sometimes its because of the weather. Sometimes its because of an injury, or sometimes you just cant skate for the day. Well as a skater personally, I like to do stuff related to skating all the time mostly. So heres some things you can do while taking that break.

Watch skate videos or movies

Theres tons of videos out there for skaters to watch. You can watch something like baker 4 or even something like Godspeed. Sometimes its fun to just chill and watch some SLS as well. Theres also countless skateboarding movies out there now. Such as Street Dreams, North Hollywood, Mid 90's, and many more. Theres also tutorials you can watch for tricks and countless other content creators for skateboarding. Theres also a podcast called "The Nine Club" Where Skaters talk about skating. They often feature other guests as well.


Another thing that Skaters do while they cant skate, is Fingerboarding. It's similar to skateboarding in a way. A lot of the tricks are done the same way, just done with your fingers. And so it's similar to skateboarding. Therefore its a fun thing to ddo while you cant skate. Its also sometimes fun to do tricks you cant actually do on a skateboard, on a fingerboard.

Read Thrasher Mags

Not all skaters are subscribed to Thrasher's Magazine Service. But if you are, it makes break days a lot more fun. You can just kick back, and chill, maybe pop on some music. And just read some good old Thrasher. Its fun to see other skaters that are doing great things. The interviews are also a lot of fun to read sometimes. Its just another thing related to skating you can do. If you arent subscribed to Thrasher, than you can go on their website to watch some quality skate videos. Thrasher constantly has new videos being added to their website.

Shop Around

Shop a little, either online or in a skate shop. You dont even have to buy anything. Sometimes its fun to just build a board from start to finish again. Or you could look for some new clothes that youll probably rip up from slamming onto some concrete. None the less, still fun to do. You might even find some new decks that you like for next time yours breaks. You never know what youll find. And its something to do related to skating, plus you could end up with new gear. I see this as an absolute Win Win situation.

Carpet Boarding

If you arent skating because of an injury, than dont do this one of course. But Carpet boarding is another fun skating related thing to do. If you dont know what it is, basically, you take just the deck with grip. And you put it on top of a carpet and just do some tricks on it. You can also do some balance boarding. You take either a foam roller or a 2 liter of Pop / soda (whatever you call it). And fill it with water, than put the skateboard deck on it, and try to balance. Its a lot of fun and a good way to practice your balance as well.

Final Thoughts

Of course there is other things you can do. And sometimes its good to take a break from skating every now and than. And if you have any other ideas, put them in the comments of this article. Have a beautiful day, and see the positive in things

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