Skater Spot's big changes

Posted by Ja'Crispy on November 20th, 2022

This started out as a small thing. I wanted to just do something for my first ever website. And I have a passion for skateboarding as well as coding. Well, over time i've made this place more offical and serious. So what big changes are there?

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When I started this, I wanted it to be completely ad-free. But as time went on, this had to change. For one, im 15 years old and im broke. I have a lot of ideas and things I'd like to change and start with this, but I need money. I'd like to start selling products too. You guys can just ignore the ads if you'd like. :)

Android App

I've also coded an android app version of the website. Unfortunatly, it's only for android because apple makes people pay $100 a year just to have it on their store. So for me, as a 15 year old, it's just not something that can work unfortunatly.

Final Thoughts

Thank you all for the support you've shown me in this. This is something I really enjoy and I hope you guys like the articles too :). Keep shredding!

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