Beginner Skateboard Tricks

Posted by Ja'Crispy on March 17th, 2023

Beginner Skateboard Tricks

So you got your skateboard, but you dont know any tricks yet. Well now your wondering what tricks you can learn first, and there's a lot out there. There is a few tricks that are better for beginners because they are easier to commit to as well as have less little steps within the trick itself.

1. Ollie

Of course, the first trick I wanna talk about is the Ollie. It's the most important trick because every trick really stems from it. Without the ollie, you'll have a harder time doing the other tricks. But there is a few you can do without the ollie. But the ollie is important. Although, a lot of skaters learn different tricks before this one. Like shuvs and stuff like that. So an Ollie isnt usually the first trick people learn.

2. Shuv

This is probably the easist trick out there. For that reason, it also happens to be the first trick people learn. You don't need to pop it, although it makes the trick look and feel better, but it isnt needed. It's also easier to commit to the trick because it's directly under you and visable the whole time. All you have to do is swipe your back foot backwards and jump a little forwards. This trick is usually the first trick for most skaters and it can help with getting comfortable landing on the board so when you start the other tricks it isnt as scary.

3. Manual

This is actually another very important trick to get down. The chances of falling on it are very very low too. But what is a manual, also known as manny. It's the trick where people put more weight on the tail and balance, kinda like a "Wheelie". This trick will help with general balance and it can also build your comfort level on the skateboard, which is important. Not to mention, a lot of skaters do this trick all the time, even experienced skaters. There's also different variations, like you can ollie to manny on a pad and stuff. It's actually one of my favorite tricks.

4. 180

There's backside 180, and Frontside 180. Some people say that backside is harder, but personally i've always found backside to be way easier. So try to learn both, you never know what one will come easier. But this is an important trick as well because it will lead to other things. It's a little harder than the others and you'll need to be able to ollie. But it can be a very good looking trick when it's done nicely with decent pop. This trick is basically just an ollie that you rotate 180 in the air. It's hard at first but once you get the basic idea of it and foot placement donw, it becomes easier.

Final Thoughts

There is all sorts of other places that have goofy things for beginner tricks. Like popping up the board. I did not add these because I do not see them as tricks in any way. But I know how hard skating is, so do not give up. You might struggle hard at first. But just stick to it and keep trying, you will get it. Have a beautiful day and skate on :)

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